Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Splatter Painted Bush Baby! yeayah

1. My overall thoughts on the final piece was that this is probably the best photoshoped image done by me yet.
2. I feel successful about this piece because it was easy, it came out clean, and who doesn't love a paint splattered bush baby?
3. Everything about this project worked for me. There were no flaws.
4. Even if I were to do this project again I wouldn't change anything about it.
5.  The most difficult part about this project was finding a good splatter paint picture that was NOT blocked by Wake County.
6. I learned mucho from this piece, but most important I learned that bush babies are my favorite animals on Earth.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Avocado Snake. Meh.

1. My overall thoughts on the final piece is that its freaking hidious.
2. I don't feel very successful looking at this piece of S***.
3. Nothing worked about this project not the eyes nor the mouth, it was a disaster.
4. If I were to do this project over again I would change practically everything.
5. Most difficult part about this piece is having to look at it.
6. I learned from this piece that avocados and snakes should NOT make babies.

Spider-Tongue (yeah I went there)

1. This looks very creepy.
2. very successful, because I did a spider.
3. Almost everything about this project worked except for the video tutorial.
4. I would make absolutly no changes at all. EVER!
5. Finding a good spider was most difficult indeed.
6. How. To. Blend.

Scene Nyan Cat FTW!